Happiness & Stress Reduction Keynotes
Under The Influence . . . Of Stress
Stress is omnipresent. It lurks in every nook and cranny of our typical day. Work (and particularly colleagues) can be stressful, home life can be stressful, and never mid our commutes to these places. The problem is that excessive stress has major negative repercussions on our bodies and behavior. It roils our immune system, long-term memory, and sleep habits. Stress causes anxiety, fatigue, restlessness, tense muscles, and, in the worst cases, heart disease. But, perhaps more important, stress removes our motivation to live an authentic life, to help others, and to chase after character – we are just trying to get through until tomorrow.
There is hope. Corey’s motivating and intellectually-driven speech on stress is perfect for you and your team. Corey believes that carrying some stress is a good thing – it can motivate you to face life’s important challenges. This good kind of stress is there for a purpose and then fades away. The problem is that we carry too much of the bad kind of stress as well.
Corey’s speech helps you figure out your current stress level. After determining your stress score, the group then evaluates twenty ways to decrease the minor stressors in your life. Once you lower your stress score, you can focus and, hopefully, eliminate your major stressors and more effectively chase an authentic life. Feeling stressed? This talk is for you . . . and everyone really!
Why Choose This Ethics Speech For Professionals?
The American Institute of Stress (yes, there is such a place) finds work-related stress is the biggest contributor to Americans’ Stress Scores. And, the amount of job stress we experience continues to escalate. We are burdened with the same amount of time each day, but our demands and expectations continue to increase in a competitive and ever-globalizing world.
Ironically, employees are less likely to reach their performance goals if they are stressed. Corey’s speech helps remedy this problem in two ways. First, Corey’s advice on stress is accurate and on target. Audience members leave inspired and motivated to tackle their stress and bring their score down – ASAP. Second, the impact of this talk is long-lasting. Audience members keep this advice in mind for the long-term. This means that their Stress Scores will remain lower, longer than they would have without this talk. The bottom line . . . Corey’s keynotes on stress is very effective!
Why Choose This Ethics Speech For Students?
Let’s face it, students are stressed. They face pressure from: their own high expectations, peers, parents, expensive tuition rates, tough job markets, grade inflation, over-involvement and on and on. It is nearly impossible for a young person not to cave into excessive stress under these conditions. Ironically and obviously, a stressed-out student is a less effective student. The uber-competitive academic environment of our colleges and universities requires that a student’s brain remain focused on the tasks at hand – information mastery and deep thought – not stress.
This talk helps remedy this problem for students in two ways. First, Corey’s advice on stress is accurate and on target. Students leave inspired and motivated to tackle their stress and bring their score down – ASAP. Second, the impact of this talk is long-lasting. Students keep this advice in mind for the long-term. This means that their Stress Scores will remain lower, longer than they would have without this talk. The hope is that this advice lasts past college and into their careers. The bottom line . . . Corey’s keynote on stress is very effective!
Target Audiences
Everyone with one hour to spare!
More specifically, Under The Influence . . . of Stress has motivated: businesses, non-profits, governments, annual meetings & conferences, corporate retreats & trainings, police forces, fire departments, orientations, Greek Weeks, fraternity & sorority events, student government meetings, graduations, etc…
Corey’s typical public speaking audiences include: lawyers, engineers, health care professionals, non-profit teams, professional associations, teachers, financial professionals, city, county, state, and federal government officials and staff, realtors, C-Suite executives, managers, line-level employees, college admissions and alumni relations staff, college students, high school students, and all types of student leaders.

Chase Your Passion, Fuel Your Life
What drives you to arise each day and spar with life? Is it money, an important promotion or raise, recognition or renown, nicer stuff, the approval of loved ones, good grades? These things all matter, to be sure, but the fuel they provide is fleeting. These benefits just are not designed to produce the type of lasting motivation you need to push through life’s unavoidable uphill battles. Have you noticed that new stuff, or a raise, or a promotion, a pat on the back, or straight “A”s feels great . . . for a moment. Then, the fuel these successes provide runs out and it’s back to seeking something to take its place. What we all crave is a fuel source that never runs out; energy that replenishes itself when we are exhausted, stressed, on a losing streak, or worse.
The fuel that endures is the kind you create by discovering and following your passion. Chances are you know exactly what drives you deep down, but your mind is focused on different, more world-conforming goals. And that’s to be expected; we are bombarded with false promises that begin with following the crowd and often lead to unfulfilling often unreachable goals. Corey’s inspirational speech urges you to change course. Corey helps reunite your heart’s passion with your life’s goals – which are rarely ever mutually exclusive. He breaks down the steps it takes to identify your ideal fuel sources (they differ a bit for each of us) and then provides the tools needed to make a lasting change. Imagine your life driven by a fuel that never runs out. Book this speech and discover how!
Why Choose This Ethics Speech For Professionals?
Life is tough. Life is even tougher when you, or your people, aren’t exactly sure why they come to work each day. This disconnect decreases morale and productivity. It’s also bad for your employee’s spirit. Corey’s talk is designed to encourage each person in attendance to discover (or rediscover) why they chose such a career and place to work. Chances are that these reasons haven’t disappeared; they’ve just been lost in the monotony of the daily grind. Corey is an expert at tying these passions to your organization’s mission statement and goals.
Corey’s speech on rediscovering passion is perfect if you need to motivate people to give even more and inspire their colleagues to do the same. The tools provided will last far beyond this one-hour speech. Another benefit is that audience members will take this inspiration home and become more authentically motivated spouses, partners, parents, and community members.
Why Choose This Ethics Speech For Students?
The future is overwhelming – especially if you don’t know where you’re going. What will you do for a living? Will you be any good at it? Where can you offer the most value to an organization? Will you make a difference like you’ve always desired? These are tough questions; but, that doesn’t mean that can’t be answered. In fact, the answer to each begins with discovering your passion and then using that to fuel your long-term success.
Of course, passion-seeking is a key academic objective. Every school worth its reputation touts such a goal. But, most schools then leave students to find their calling merely by going through the motions of the college experience. Do your homework, step through your major, attend the career fairs, network, and you’ll figure it out, right? Wrong! – well, at least partially. Most times, a calling doesn’t just jump out at you. It requries deep thought and a plan. Therefore, students also need a detailed decision-making approach to discover and then pursue their passions. Corey’s speech provides just such an approach along with the tools students need to determine where they excel past their peers and then how to exploit this advantage into a successful career. It’s a fact that discovering your passion does indeed make the future less intimidating. In the end, it’s simple: find your passion as a student and let that fuel the rest of your life.
Target Audiences
Everyone with one hour to spare!
More specifically, Chase Your Passion is perfect for a one-hour keynote. This speech has motivated: businesses, non-profits, governments, annual meetings & conferences, corporate retreats & trainings, police forces, fire departments, orientations, Greek Weeks, fraternity & sorority events, student government meetings, graduations, etc…
Corey’s typical public speaking audiences include: lawyers, engineers, health care professionals, non-profit teams, professional associations, teachers, financial professionals, city, county, state, and federal government officials and staff, realtors, C-Suite executives, managers, line-level employees, college admissions and alumni relations staff, college students, high school students, and all types of student leaders.