Character & Values Keynotes
Inspire Integrity
Corey’s most popular keynote on ethics encourages audiences to chase the truly important things in life such as a solid character, strong personal relationships and a sense of contentment. These “real rabbits” are compared and contrasted to more fleeting worldly success such as excessive wealth, popularity, and prestige. Audience members leave with a better sense of what it takes to develop integrity, set priorities, gain a big-picture perspective, and chase an authentic life. By the end, Corey promises that this will be one of the most powerful and motivational speeches you have ever heard. Book Corey as a speaker and take part in the push for a more character-infused community.
Why Choose This Ethics Speech For Professionals?
We need professionals to be at their ethical best. Society prospers, both at home at and work, when workforces are infused with character. By themselves, the core values and mission statements imposed on us just are not enough. These aspirations matter, but only after a person truly believes that chasing what matters is a top priority.
Why Choose This Ethics Speech For Students?
Students crave authenticity. Yet, they find themselves surrounded by calls to chase fake rabbits – money, looks, popularity. These wordly goods are not bad per se, but they lack the capacity to make a person authentically happy. This talk emphasizes the maxim that you can “never get enough of what you don’t need to make you happy.” Corey’s talk encourages students to reflect on their lives and become wise at a young age.
Target Audiences
Everyone with one hour to spare!
More specifically, Inspire Integrity has motivated: businesses, non-profits, governments, annual meetings & conferences, corporate retreats & trainings, police forces, fire departments, orientations, Greek Weeks, fraternity & sorority events, student government meetings, graduations, etc…
Corey’s typical public speaking audiences include: lawyers, engineers, health care professionals, non-profit teams, professional associations, teachers, financial professionals, city, county, state, and federal government officials and staff, realtors, C-Suite executives, managers, line-level employees, college admissions and alumni relations staff, college students, high school students, and all types of student leaders.

True North: Make Ethical Decisions
Tough decisions bombard us so consistently that we tend to merely swat them away. We mostly cross our fingers and react via the Bon Jovi theory of life – we’re “Livin’ on a Prayer.” What a great song; but it provides below-average life advice. Our days would be much more satisfying if we possessed and consistently executed a plan to make better, more-ethical decisions. Corey’s talk delivers just such a plan – with a focus on the ethical aspects of our difficult decisions. This keynote speech puts forth strategies that allow you to seek:
- the greatest good for the greatest number of people;
- specific duties as members of vital communities (family, work, neighborhood);
- the virtues needed to make the best decisions under pressure.
This intellectually stimulating and encouraging talk begins by showing that virtually all of the tough choices we make in life lie in the grey areas. Very few things are always right or always wrong. After exposing the simplicity of these theories, each of us will leave better prepared to navigate life’s toughest decisions. Be prepared to learn a ton!
Why Choose This Ethics Speech For Professionals?
Excellent decision-makers tend to over-perform. Therefore, you want them on your team! They more easily make the tough calls that bog down their peers and competitors. Their decision-making approach provides time to focus on other tasks, press forward, and lead more effectively. They also gain the satisfaction that comes with overcoming tough dilemmas. As an ethics professor and former Chair of the Business Ethics Department, Corey has the background and experience to bolster your team’s decison-making approach.
Why Choose This Ethics Speech For Students?
Who doesn’t want to make more ethically-sound decisions? The earlier in life we hone this skill, the better. Students are in an environment where they are open to discovering this topic. They also need to hear that stumbles from bad decisions are okay. This talk encourages young people to learn from poor decisions and move on.
Additionally, students are consistently faced with tough academic, work, and life choices as well as burdened in a way that most adults are not – by peer pressure. This inspirational talk provides a roadmap for students to navigate these tough calls in the most ethical manner possible.
Target Audiences
Everyone with one hour to spare!
Corey’s speech on ethical decision-making has motivated: businesses, non-profits, governments, annual meetings & conferences, corporate retreats & trainings, police forces, fire departments, orientations, Greek Weeks, fraternity & sorority events, student government meetings, graduations, etc…
Corey’s typical public speaking audiences include: lawyers, engineers, health care professionals, non-profit teams, professional associations, teachers, financial professionals, city, county, state, and federal government officials and staff, realtors, C-Suite executives, managers, line-level employees, college admissions and alumni relations staff, college students, high school students, and all types of student leaders.